Landscape Sketches from Mapcrunch

Today I am sharing some more landscapes from my sketchbook. In the evenings I often draw on the couch, in front of the TV, surrounded by many different art supplies that are not so messy. For the Oilpastels I am using the ones from Jaxon, as they don’t make a lot of mess. For inspirationContinue reading “Landscape Sketches from Mapcrunch”

When in doubt – draw the cat

Today I am sharing some drawings of our beloved cat, Milli. She is sitting a lot on my studio sofa and I draw her from time to time in the evenings whilst watching TV. Sometimes I draw her from photos, but I prefer drawing her from real life, what means she usually is asleep onContinue reading “When in doubt – draw the cat”

By the Sea – Landscapes from my Sketchbook

Today I am sharing two more landscapes from my sketchbook. In the evenings I often draw on the couch, in front of the TV, surrounded by many different art supplies that are not so messy. For the Oilpastels I am using the ones from Jaxon, as they don’t make a lot of mess. Heute zeigeContinue reading “By the Sea – Landscapes from my Sketchbook”

Working on a preped background – Landscape Drawings

A really fun way to start a sketch is working on a preped background. That means I already have something going on and I can work with. It makes it easier to start a spread because it’s not blank anymore and it often leads to unexpected results. I have put two videos in the postContinue reading “Working on a preped background – Landscape Drawings”

Portrait Drawings with Mixed Media

Over the past month I started drawing portraits a bit more regularly than usual. I find it very very hard! Usually the people don’t like like themselves in my drawings. Today I am sharing two portraits I am quite proud of. I really liked how those turned out. They are from a drawing session overContinue reading “Portrait Drawings with Mixed Media”

More Landscapes without using Greens!

I the past I often tried to draw and paint landscapes in my sketchbooks with a different mood and with not so much green to achieve what I wanted. But it was truely so hard to do! I almost everytime grabed some kind of green… Recently I shared two landscape sketches without using green andContinue reading “More Landscapes without using Greens!”

Landscape Sketch with Mixed Media

Just another landscape with mixed media in my sketchbook! I love to use all kinds of mixed media just like a child. Heute nochmal eine weiter Landschaft aus meinem Skizzenbuch. Ich liebe es ganz viele verschiedene Materialien zu verwenden und mit Ihnen zu spielen.

Sketching Boats – Working on a prepped Sketchbook Page

One thing I love doing is drawing on a prepped sketchbook page. This spread is done in my Ranger Journal with a background using Flash Paints from LeFrance & Bourgeoise. These paints are similar to acrylic gouache. They are drying mat and permanent. I love using them as a base layer in my sketchbook. AsContinue reading “Sketching Boats – Working on a prepped Sketchbook Page”

Sketching a Bird with Oil Pastels – Lightwish Soft Oil Pastels Review

I have a little product review today and a process in my sketchbook. I got send some oil pastels from Lightwish to try them out. The oil pastels come in three different themed sets. I picked the Morandi one. As I already have a bunch of standard sets I wanted to have some more lightContinue reading “Sketching a Bird with Oil Pastels – Lightwish Soft Oil Pastels Review”

Drawing Landscapes without using Greens! Tip!

I the past I often tried to draw and paint landscapes in my sketchbooks with a different mood and with not so much green to achieve what I wanted. But it was truely so hard to do! I almost everytime grabed some kind of green… For these two pages I am sharing today I triedContinue reading “Drawing Landscapes without using Greens! Tip!”